Clubmatch app launches October 24

The Clubmatch app centres around the three most important pillars of any tennis club:
its committees, its coaches and of course, its members.

With the latest technology, Clubmatch brings your clubs needs together in one place.

1: Member engagement

By expanding your members’ network of players, you will increase engagement therefore driving member retention, which is key to any successful tennis club.  By being able to set their level and availability, users can find others to play easily, quickly and securely. Never again will you have to cancel a game of tennis as you will always have someone to play with Clubmatch

2: Enhancing your coaches’ opportunities to grow a more successful business

With Clubmatch your coaches will have increased visibility when promoting themselves. Every member of your club will have your coach’s information, bio, qualifications and price to view easily. They can also view when a coach has available slots to teach at their club, and book them direct from the app.  No need for time consuming back and forth messaging when trying to arrange a lesson.  A few clicks and your lesson and court are booked.

3: Giving committees the information they really need

Not only will you be able to communicate directly to all members, but you will also be able to target specific levels, making your messaging more targeted if needed.  You can view detailed analytics of who exactly is using your club, and maybe more importantly, who isn’t.  Your team captains will love Clubmatch. Arranging matches for upcoming fixtures has never been easier.  With the ability to confirm player attendance, create your teams and recruit new players, Clubmatch makes a captain’s job so much easier. Clubmatch takes match subs through the app so no chasing money from your team.

Find players at your level Manage your teams Safeguard your members
Find players at your level Manage your teams Safeguard your members

Improve Retention

Clubmatch enhances the ease of finding similarly skilled players at clubs, increasing game opportunities and member retention.

Safeguarding Members

Clubmatch ensures safe and secure in-app communication without sharing personal details.

Incident Reporting

Clubmatch allows you to quickly report and send any incident at your club directly to the welfare officer through the app.

Match Subs and Guest Fees

Clubmatch streamlines fee collection by allowing members to pay for guest plays and team captains to receive match subs directly through the app.

Reduce Admin Labour

Clubmatch enables club coaches to promote their services, easily book lessons, and quickly start earning, making it an effective platform for building a successful coaching business.

Support Inclusion

Clubmatch connects you with players at your skill level and availability, using avatars for profiles to ensure optimal matching.

Improving Your Game

Set your level, play and record scores in Clubmatch to improve and adjust your level and player matches through a smart point system.

Get People Playing

Clubmatch helps members find new tennis partners easily, increasing their opportunities to play beyond scheduled club nights and friend matches.

Happy Coaches

Clubmatch benefits club coaches by simplifying promotion, booking for private lessons, and providing a platform for new coaches to start and grow their business more quickly.

New Member Experience

Clubmatch improves the first-time experience for new members by modernising how they connect at tennis clubs, reducing the anxiety of joining an established group and making the process less daunting.

What are people saying about Clubmatch?

This is what Tennis has been waiting for

David Cowlard
Match Secretary Bedfordshire

This is a breath of fresh air... If we can save time for our volunteer committee… I’m all In!

Dom Morgan
Chairman, Milton Keynes Tennis Club

Why haven’t we already got this!

Francis Caldwell
Chair of Bedfordshire LTA

This looks brilliant!

Peter Hicks
ITF Player and Committee Member of Felixstowe LTC

I just want it now

Focus Group
Woburn Sands Tennis Club

This looks amazing and very exciting

Paul Braithwaite
Chair of BTCA

This is exactly what the tennis community need

General Manager
Leading Health and Racket Club

This would open the opportunity for our club

Bedford Tennis Club

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Will my personal details be shared?

No, not at all. Clubmatch is dedicated to safeguard members whose details are protected within the app.

2. Does this effect our current club management system?

No. Clubmatch is a retention and engagement application which will help grow your club. Your club management system will still be used to set up membership and have all your clubs' policies and procedures. Clubmatch is the way your members will interact with all aspects of your club when arranging a game, booking a court, a coach and communicating with you.

3. How do people decide what level to start from?

We leave that down to the individual to decide. Within the app there is a simple explanation of what a player should be able to do to be a certain level. Through game play Clubmatch will adjust the levels in line with other club members and so will soon level out correctly.

4. Why do the clubs pay and not the individual members?

For all 3 pillars of your club to get the best from having Clubmatch, all members need to be using it. If only 20% of a club's membership have it, it won't widen a players' network or increase their opportunities to play as much as it could. Once all members have it and are using it, you will instantly see why you decided to join the Clubmatch community.

5. Is it difficult to set up if we decide to take it?

No. Clubmatch is here to shoulder most of the set for clubs and its members. Through a very simple process, your new Clubmatch club will be up in no time.

6. There are other apps out there. How is this different?

That’s correct. There are tennis apps out there. But Clubmatch is very different. We look at improving all aspects within a club. We enhance every single member's experience of a tennis club. From beginner to club champ, and from new member to been there done that and got the t-shirt. We give a coach the opportunity to promote themselves to all at their club and run a more successful business. Members happy, coaches happy, and a committee and local community happy that they have a thriving and busy tennis club. All from one app.

7. Can Juniors use the app?

Juniors can get the app but through a legal guardian. We at Clubmatch take safeguarding seriously and would like to ensure that all communication is monitored through an adult.

8. Does this work with my LTA World Tennis Number (WTN)?

Clubmatch are committed to working in conjunction with the LTA providing results to all games submitted to ensure we promote the WTN alongside the gamification results in the app.

9. So, who pays for Clubmatch at your club?

Clubmatch is paid for by the tennis clubs. For a club to receive all the benefits that the Clubmatch app can give them, it requires all members to be using it. This is why the club takes on the application for the members to use as part of their membership. Once your club has Clubmatch, whether you are the chair, a coach or a member, you will be thinking,’ why didn't we have this sooner.

Don’t miss out on this game changing app.

Register your interest today and join the Clubmatch community to elevate your tennis club like never before.